We’re seeking expressions of interest from people with lived experience of disability in our diverse communities to participate in focus groups to help inform the development of our next inclusion (disability) action plan. Eligible participants must be over 18 years and visit, live, work or study in the City of Sydney local area.
Each focus group will run for 2 to 3 hours and participants will be paid $120 for their time.
A 2-page discussion paper with background information and some questions to consider will be shared with participants before the focus group.
To apply, complete this expression of interest form to participate in the session that is most relevant to you. All expressions of interest will be assessed, and 8 to 10 participants will be chosen to attend each focus group.
You will be notified of the outcome of your expression of interest at least one week before the focus group.
If you need help filling out this form, you can call the social policy team on 02 9265 9333 or email inclusiondisability@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au.
Expressions of interest close Tuesday 10 September.