3D Printing Services can be accessed through your City of Sydney Library Membership.
This service has a fee of $5 per job request plus an additional $3 per hour of print time.
The cost is capped at $30 with a maximum 10 hour print time.
Printing size is limited to 115mm x 95mm x 100mm
3D printing is limited to processing onto a single build plate.
The requisite file formats are .obj .thing and .stl files only with a maximum of 30mb size.
Staff do not have the capacity to edit or amend printing, and will help where possible with placement of a request,
Staff will reply to your request via email to either confirm a cost with you, or will cancel your request if it goes beyond our service delivery.
If you need assistance with formatting or any other aspect of the job, please leave a note at the end of the form.